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Lit and State Management with Zustand

  Sunday, July 7, 2024

Did you know what you can build entire applications with Lit and Web Components? You can. An important part of any application UI is state management. Follow along as I dive into using Zustand with Lit.

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The new BEM for Custom Elements, CEA

  Thursday, September 8, 2022

Custom Elements is an overlooked technology in the Front End world. It's time we adopt this tech to make it go mainstream. Say hi to CEA, the BEM replacement for Custom Elements.

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The MEWN Stack with Shoelace

  Sunday, April 10, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the MEWN stack. MongoDB, Express, Web Components, and Node.

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Material Web Components: Building Forms

  Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Although a still in prerelease, Material Web Components give you powerful input controls for building awesome forms.

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How to integrate Tailwind in a LitElement app

  Saturday, December 5, 2020

Integrating Tailwind in a LitElement app is really simple if you're using Snowpack.

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CSS Grid Templates

  Thursday, November 26, 2020

Here's a collection of eight modern css layouts.

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How to use LitElement Components in React by Example

  Monday, September 14, 2020

Web Components are great. They theoretically can be used with any library or framework. React takes a little bit more effort to work with Web Components however. In this post I'll use Kemet components, which are built with LitElement, in a React application by using wrappers. Although I'm using LitElement, the principals here apply to Web Components built using anything.

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