Hasani Rogers Blog

Join me in a place where I can talk about my experiences as a developer.

How to use LitElement Components in React by Example

  Monday, September 14, 2020

Web Components are great. They theoretically can be used with any library or framework. React takes a little bit more effort to work with Web Components however. In this post I'll use Kemet components, which are built with LitElement, in a React application by using wrappers. Although I'm using LitElement, the principals here apply to Web Components built using anything.

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Search functionality with LitElement and Algolia

  Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Adding search functionality to your site might seem like a complicated feature. With LitElement and Algolia working together however, it's pretty easy. Lets break down how to do this!

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Automating Jekyll deploys through sFTP and Travis CI

  Friday, September 4, 2020

I'm not a node.js developer. But, with a little bit of assistance and Javascript know-how, I successfully pulled off an automated Jekyll pipeline. Now this blog auto updates when I push to master on GitHub.

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How to create Dark Mode in a LitElement App

  Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thanks to themes, creating a dark mode with LitElement is a lot easier than one might imagine.

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All posts 13 lit 8 dark mode 1 theme 1 css variables 1 jekyll 1 travis ci 1 deploys 1 sftp 1 automation 1 algolia 1 search 1 react 1 web components 7 wrapper 1 wordpress 1 web app 1 redux 1 css 2 grid 1 flexbox 1 bem 2 responsive design 1 tailwind 1 snowpack 1 material web components 1 mwc 1 forms 1 mewn 1 shoelace 1 express.js 1 node.js 1 mongodb 1 cea 1 custom elements 1 eleventy 1 zustand 1 state management 1